Anna is 4 years old. I am the mother of a 4-year-old. Four years ago I became a mother. It's still sinking in. I believe I mentioned before how at this age every holiday, every event, is d-r-a-w-n o-u-t. This birthday was no exception.

Anna had her first real friend birthday party this year at the local carousel in the park. It was a lovely day. The kids had so much fun riding the carousel and then playing in the park afterwards. I'd brought a couple of games, just in case, but there was no need. The kids created their own entertainment...freestyle.

Then, a couple of weeks later, we had a family birthday party. All the grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins (well, the ONE cousin) were there. We had dinner at our favorite locally owned BBQ joint and then came home to open presents. The cousins stayed up WAAAAY too late, but had a grand time playing with glow sticks in the yard, pretending they were light sabers.
Last, I had agreed to bring brownies to Anna's school the Monday after her birthday. Every day the kids get an afternoon snack, so for birthdays you have to let them know in advance so your treat is the snack of the day. I remembered to let school know I was bringing treats, but nearly forgot to actually BRING the snacks after our busy weekend. Nothing like baking brownies at 11:00 at night. Excuse me while I polish my "Mother of the Year" award.
It's kind of bittersweet watching this little sprout....well, sprout! Motherhood is the most achingly sweet experience in a lifetime. I wouldn't miss it for the world.
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