...there are birthday candles. Anna's friend, Colby, had his 5th birthday party this past weekend at a local fire department. The kids ran around the open bays and ate cake shaped like Sponge Bob Squarepants. After cake and presents (Anna gave Colby a cool hand-shadow theater), the firefighters took the kids over to the rigs. Each child got the opportunity to turn on the lights and hit the air brakes which makes a loud honking noise that never gets old...for them. The kids never cease giggling over it and the parents never stop cringing. Then the firefighters put on their gear and showed the kids what they look like when they are working. Then they handed out hats, sticker badges, balloons, and other fun stuff. They all had an awesome time.
Priceless! What a thrill to sit where the "big guys" do and actually turn the wheels of the firetruck. Imagine, real heros taking the time to teach these small folks. I suspect the professionals are very aware of the impact they have and the serious attention paid by their audience.