For having a weekend with no plans, today sure was busy, and it's still only 3:00! Daddy went to a golf tournament for work, leaving Mom and Anna open for a girl's day out adventure. This morning we went to the Lawrence Farmer's Market where Anna got to check out some real live bees making honey. She picked up some beeswax chapstick (so she can stop stealing Mom's) and some honey sticks. We then headed further east for some shopping and lunch at the T-Rex restaurant. She was a little startled at first by the animatronic dinosaurs and meteor shower, but just moments later, Anna said, "These dinosaurs are beautiful." She ended her meal with a a few bites of Dinosaur Tar Pit (chocolate pudding, Oreo crumbles and gummi dinos.) Yum! Back home, we're now taking a mid-afternoon Daddycakes break (indulgent, I know.) After a rest, we're out to run the less fun errands, such as grocery shopping, but depending on our endurance, mood and the weather, I hear there's a live outdoor concert going on tonight in town. Maybe we'll check it out.
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