Wednesday, January 15, 2014

2013 in Review

  2013: Condensed Version

(Photos are placed in no certain order, as moving pictures around on Blogger 
will make you want to chew your arm off - maybe both of them.)

January 2013

Tooth fairy put in overtime this year

Happy 7th birthday!

Making wishes

My Mom made me drink from this hose as a photo op, which seems ridiculous.
I never do this in real life.

Mom is in Public Health, yet still let me drink from this unsanitary hose.

The Carnival Comes to Town

Carnival Magic

Our backyard garden harvest

Slacklining at Lake Michigan

Making friends at Pendleton Farm butterfly house

Chunking pumpkins

Finding the "One"

Merida says, "This is what a feminist looks like."

Anna honors her Sailor Papa at a Veteran's Day school assembly.

Fall Tradition - Bury the child and see if they find their way back home.

Anna contemplates her future plans to eat one of these fellows.
Kaw Valley Farm Tour 2013

Strawberry Fields Christmas Tree Farm
Now let's go home and put together our artificial tree!



And….we're back to summertime!

Against my better judgement, I let our child play with fire.
Thankfully, resulting burns were superficial.

Picking grapes at Davenport Orchards winery.

Anna saves a sea star.

Mother's Beach at Kennebunk, Maine

Our family vacation at Bluebrier House, Kennebunk ME

Whaaa???  Back to snow?  This is so confusing.

Unfortunately, these baby bunnies Anna has found will probably play
"Peter Rabbit" to my "Mr. McGregor" this summer.

Time of Wonder

Skipping stones

I love that I smell like pie.  Perhaps that is my superpower.

Anna got a playset for her birthday.

Spring ballet recital - Anna was an ice skater

The play's the thing!

Anna makes stuff at the local art festival.

Kite flying at the lake

Collins Park Parade on July 4th

Anna gets her own library card

Kayaking the Kennebunk river with Dad

Potion making is Anna's new hobby.
Mermade Juse is sure to be a hit.

First day of 2nd Grade

New wall deal in Anna's bedroom.  This sums her up perfectly.

Huff-n-Puff hot air balloon rally - The Glow

Halo Amok puppet installation - Beyond cool @ OKCMOA

Anna and Dad biking the Katy Trail

Anna finds her first ever geocache on the Katy Trail.

More geocaching at home

Anna in the role of Chinese Attendant for Nutcracker performance

Well, that's the year in review. We're on to new adventures.  Happy New Year!