Sunday, October 21, 2012

Are You My Mummy?

Today we brought history to life.  Actually the lesson was about death, and how the ancient Egyptians cared for their dead, but it was a very hands-on experiment in mummification.

We chose a doll that could be sacrificed - of course, that would be Barbie.  We needed a good reference guide that was written at the correct level for a 1st grader to comprehend.  Magic Tree House has Fact Finder guides that are wonderful for this purpose.  We spent the night before reading the book and setting the stage for our experiment.

Assemble your supplies - coffee optional

We began by removing all of the organs but the heart.  We discussed the organs in the body and how the Egyptians didn't realize what purpose the brain serves so they threw that out too.  They believed that in the afterlife the heart would be weighed and would show if the person had led a good life.

Anna drew a heart on her Barbie to represent the one organ remaining.
No surprise, Barbie is brainless -- I mean, her brain would have been removed.

Then we washed the body in wine.  I'm pretty certain that the ancient Egyptians didn't use a Riesling, but that's what I had on hand.  Then they rubbed the body with oil and spices.  We used olive oil and cinnamon, nutmeg, and whatever else was on hand.  Then the body was rubbed with salt and left on a slightly inclined table for about 40 days.

While we waited "40 days" we passed the time by making amulets (out of fun foam).  The amulets would be woven into the bandages to bring luck and protection to the person during their journey into the afterlife.

Amulets and the death mask

After the body was wrapped, it was customary for a death mask to be placed on the mummy so the person's ka and ba (their soul) would recognize their body.

Next project -- shoe box sarcophagus. 

Kaw Valley Farm Tour 2012

This year we froze our pumpkins off during the Kaw Valley Farm Tour.  Reaching a balmy 50-some degrees out, it was certainly the coldest year for this event we've had yet.  But a tradition is a tradition, so we bundled up, pulled up our boot straps, and went out to have fun whether we liked it or not.

Cregut Clan

Each year we forget the name of at least one farm we visited the year before and spend a good long time looking at the map and trying to figure it out.  Since they are all clustered in the same region, and participating farms can (and often do) change from year to year, the map is pretty useless in this respect.    We finally figured out that one of the farms that the kids enjoyed the past two years was definitely NOT  listed on the tour this year.  However, we did make a stop at another great pumpkin patch (off the list, but nearby) and Iwig Dairy, which is the farm that we buy all of our milk from.  They have a small stand-alone store in town, so we don't have to drive out to the farm every time we need a refill.  So this stop was a treat.

Pendleton Farm

We love Pendleton Farm.

Butterflies were too cold to fly in their bio-villa.

Pumpkin chunking!

Tricycle Track


Anna and cousin Ryan

Vertacnik Orchard

Apple picking

Schaake's Pumpkin Patch 

Schaake's pumpkin patch

Eek!  It's the Headless Horseman!

It took a bed sheet to get this gem from the field to the car, but it was worth it!

 Iwig Dairy

Anna meets the staff at Iwig Dairy.
I asked Anna if she realized how amazing it was that a little girl 
would get the chance to meet the cows the provide the milk she drinks.

Happy Halloween!

July - October 2012

What an exciting title, huh?!

Truth is, in this book of life we're each writing, there are so many chapters and the pages fly by so fast.  

Here are some highlights from the past few months.  Lucky us, there is so much more sweet than bitter in our lives.  We count our blessings daily. 

4th of July Parade
Anna & Dad enjoy the Independence Day parade

We headed to Sheboygan for our annual trip to see the Carrenos.

Lake Michigan!



Anna and Mommy take a day off to visit Deanna Rose Farmstead.

Finding gemstones and minerals

Anna caught a fish!

Feeding the kids.

In July, we took a family trip to Omaha.


Flirty turtle


Children's Museum - tornado simulator

Is there a wizard in the house?

Anna was morally offended that Mom chose Team Flying Monkey.

We took a trip to Union Station in Kansas City, and spent the day inside Science City.

Dinosaur dig site

We had lots of fun right at home, too.

Bubble snake

Mmm...Dairy Queen!

Anna pets a live snake

Visiting our elephants.

Feeding the giraffes.

To end out the summer, we went to Worlds of Fun...

...and a Royals game.

Then it was Back to School time.  First grade!

Had a great visit from the Oregon Sages!

Aunt Patty teaches Anna to play the ukelele.

Anna came up with a whole book of ideas for our annual Soup Party.

Zombie Brain Toss

We went to see the play "How I Became a Pirate" and the Civic Theatre.  
Patrons were encouraged to dress the part.


The local Children's Discovery Center opened up their outdoor play area, including a treehouse.

Anna waves from the balcony.

Great obstacle course!

Ticket to ride.

Pretending to be a spider.

Ethan proves chivalry lives.

More to come!