For those of you who are lucky enough to have not suffered from an addiction during your lifetime, you may not fully appreciate this milestone. The final step in binky-rehab is kicking the night-time habit. Anna has now been binky-free for 6 consecutive nights! While she still asks for it at every bedtime, we've been able to distract or dissuade her. She has been promised that we will write a letter to the Binky Fairy, who will then come and take her binkies to the new babies of the world and as a token of appreciation, leave her an awesome gift. She has said that she would like to ask for an Ariel Princess dress and a crown. Hey, whatever it takes. Our goal was to have a binky-free household by her 3rd birthday and it looks like we've just about done it.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Cold Turkey
For those of you who are lucky enough to have not suffered from an addiction during your lifetime, you may not fully appreciate this milestone. The final step in binky-rehab is kicking the night-time habit. Anna has now been binky-free for 6 consecutive nights! While she still asks for it at every bedtime, we've been able to distract or dissuade her. She has been promised that we will write a letter to the Binky Fairy, who will then come and take her binkies to the new babies of the world and as a token of appreciation, leave her an awesome gift. She has said that she would like to ask for an Ariel Princess dress and a crown. Hey, whatever it takes. Our goal was to have a binky-free household by her 3rd birthday and it looks like we've just about done it.
Friday, February 13, 2009
A Farewell to Arms (the kind that give hugs)
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Renaissance from September 14, 2008 (Last of the transfer entries - Whew!)
September 14, 2008 -- Today Anna and Mommy joined Aunt Wendy and cousin Ryan (Daddy stayed home to do homework) and went to the Renaissance Festival. While we were there, Anna petted sheep and a Python snake, saw a camel and an elephant, ate funnel cakes, rode a dragon, saw a puppet show, played and played, and ultimately met the Queen and King. While Ryan threatened the King’s party with his wooden dagger (we thought it was the Tower for him, for sure) there was ultimately a pardon. Anna got a jingle wand and a princess hat to take home. It was a wonderful albeit very, very, very muddy day. Oh, and did I mention it was a bit muddy? We can’t wait to go again next year!
Huff N Puff from September 9, 2008
September 9, 2008 -- This morning we woke up very early (especially for a Saturday) and headed to the lake. Before our eyes, dozens of hot air balloons inflated and took flight. It was an awesome sight and Anna was very excited, as you can tell by her expression. As they sailed away, she waved to the pilots and said, “Bye, bye, big balloons.”
Labor Day - Easy on the Labor from September 1, 2008
September 1, 2008 --A week into our official potty training, and I’m very pleased to say Anna is doing amazing. While she’s had a couple of accidents at day care, we’ve had ZERO accidents at home and about. Particularly amazing was that this was in the middle of a busy holiday weekend. Between visits to the park, Ryan’s birthday party, the Tribal Pow wow at the lake, and a downtown parade, we were away from public restrooms for much of the weekend. Luckily, with a little planning and a lot of luck, Anna kept her Elmos dry.
Obviously after a weekend like this, a bath was in order. Anna has an octopus faucet cover. While this was purchased as a safety device, Anna knows how to remove it and has adopted it as a pet. In fact, she often tells me that he needs a diaper change (probably because water splashes out of his tentacles when the water is on, looking perhaps like he’s....well, you know.) Tonight she took her washcloth and wrapped it around him, holding him close and patting his back to put him to sleep. Then she told me her “octopus is laughing.” Well, I’m glad to see she has plenty of imagination as well as maternal instincts.
Time in a Bottle from August 26, 2008
August 26, 2008 -- Well, Saturday was the day. The day we bought Anna’s first real underpants. Theme: the many faces of Elmo. We made a half-hearted attempt on Sunday, but with the morning trip to the zoo and carousel, lunch and a nap, I don’t know that we can earnestly say we began the crusade against Pullups until Tuesday. On Monday, Mommy talked to day care about “the plan.” Tuesday the plan was implemented with much success. No accidents...until 4:45. A great start, in my book. After an evening of errands, and successful bathroom breaks at each destination (no accidents!), Anna announced to me, “I grown up, Mama.” Indeed.
Days of Summer from July 29, 2008
July 29, 2008 -- I’ve been very remiss in posting anything new, but I have a good excuse. With Alex in school, he has been monopolizing the Mac in the evenings. The good news is that he gets his school-issue laptop next week, so I’ll have no more excuses. To catch up, Anna led us on an “adventure” to Table Rock Lake for the 4th of July. While out on the boat, bobbing around with friends of our hosts, I noticed a couple of other little girls and pointed them out to Anna. When I looked up at their mother, I found it was my high-school friend, Karen! It was a great trip, and Anna enjoyed the big fireworks display and visiting Bass Pro Shop for a close encounter with a stuffed opossum. This past weekend was Daddy’s birthday. Unfortunately he spent much of it doing homework, so we escaped to give him some undisturbed study time and went to the zoo. We got our first look at her personalized brick that Grandma and Papa ordered for her birthday. It was a great day at the zoo, as the animals were all very active. She even got to see her favorite animal of all, the gorilla, at close range. Three times on the carousel, a trip around the park on the train, and an afternoon wagon ride to Dairy Queen rounded out a perfect day. This month we also took in an outdoor concert at the park amphitheater with the Carrenos. We’re having a fabulous summer!
Happy 100th! from May 31, 2008
May 31, 2008 -- The local park Carousel turned 100 years old. Today was a special celebration at the park to commemorate this landmark birthday. While less than animated, Anna continued to nod her head when asked if she was having fun, even though she never cracked a smile. I began to wonder if she was being truthful, but my answer came as we walked away from the carousel and she quietly said, “Again?” We opted for a ride on the park train instead, since the day was getting hot and humid and the lines of people began to grow longer. She enjoyed the train ride and even said thank you to the Conductor afterwards as he let her pull on the handle to make the whistle blow. With extra tokens in our pocket, we’ll be back again soon.
The Name Game from May 27, 2008
May 27, 2008 -- Yesterday, Anna left us with mouths agape. As she sat on Daddy’s lap, she very casually told us, “Anna’s Daddy.” She tells us that a lot, but then she went on to tell us, “Daddy’s Alex.” We didn’t even realize that she knew his name! When Alex urged her to tell us what Mommy’s name is, she very matter-of-factly told him that my name is “Mommy.” Period.
Oceanic Adventure from April 17, 2008
April 17, 2008 -- First, here's a shout out to the Oregon Sages! We had an absolutely wonderful visit. Yesterday Anna got her first view of an ocean, the Pacific! She had a great time running around on the beach and picking up rocks. We had fun flying a kite and watching out for sneaker waves. Later we drove up the coast and saw a group of seals sleeping on the rocks, a lighthouse, and some spectacular views. We had a great time getting the grand tour from Bill and Patty of their beautiful state of Oregon.
Yummy Pillows from April 3, 2008
April 3, 2008 -- Anna’s new favorite treat is mini marshmallows. Even though Dad and Mom consistently call them by their real snack nomenclature, Anna insists on calling them “pillows.” Going through the baking aisle at the grocery store, she cries out when she sees them, “Pillows! Pillows! Pillows!” Between “pillows” and “chockat”, Anna certainly has a sweet tooth or two in that sweet smile.
Happy Easter! from March 23, 2008
March 23, 2008 -- Anna had a memorable Easter. At day care the Easter Bunny came for a visit. While Anna wasn’t very fond of him, she really enjoyed gathering up eggs during the hunt. She is a hoarder, so this was second nature for her. The Saturday evening before, Mommy & Daddy had a dinner party, but everyone took a break for the kids to do a night-time egg hunt. Very cool! Glow in the dark eggs and can we ever do this during the day again! Easter Sunday, Anna awoke to her basket full of goodies and Bitty Baby wearing a new fancy dress. We went to Grandma and Papa’s house for dinner and then colored eggs with cousin Ryan.
Dah-per from March 9, 2008
March 9, 2008 -- This morning Mommy & Daddy awoke to lots of chattering and singing from down the hall. As we laid still, listening (and laughing), we suddenly heard one of Anna’s latest words repeatedly, “diaper.” Of course, her pronunciation is with a lilting Southern drawl (I have no idea where that came from) and when she speaks it sounds more like a question, more like “dah-per?”. When we entered her room to investigate, we found her stark naked, standing in her crib. She had unzipped and peeled off her footie pajamas, and then proceeded to take off her diaper. With a huge grin on her face, she held up the offensive garment and proudly announced “dah-per!” Next stop potty training.
Snip! From February 21, 2008
Moon Moon Moon - from February 21, 2008
February 21, 2008 --Last night Anna got to see the lunar eclipse. It was close to bedtime, so we bundled up in coat, hat and mittens over her snuggly footie p.j.’s and trekked into the backyard to see the show. Anna has learned the signs for moon and stars and practiced them while we shivered in the cold night air. It was worth it, though, as we won’t have the opportunity to see another lunar eclipse until December 2010. While you can’t really tell in the photo that the light behind us is anything more spectacular than a lamppost, I promise you, it’s the real deal about half-way through the event.
Potty Primer - from January 19, 2008
January 19, 2008 -- This week we hit a milestone...sort of. Anna went on her potty chair for the first time! Now, was it purely coincidental that she felt the call of nature while taking a pause before dipping into her bath? Yeah, you bet. Did it take away from the fanfare that followed? Absolutely not.